Supporting the Fight Against Breast Cancer
October is here and it is a very important month to us! It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Behind Blue Sky Outdoor Living, we are more than a brand. We are a team of people. We have loved ones and families, and many of us have been personally impacted or know someone who has been impacted by this disease. As a cause that is near to our hearts, we are taking time this month to show support for those who have been affected, continue spreading awareness for early detection, raise funds for vital research, and stand together in the fight against breast cancer!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is for uplifting and celebrating patients, survivors, previvors, and those who have been impacted by breast cancer. Along with the wave of pink that comes with October, there are a number of important things you should keep in mind throughout this and every month! We need to continue the conversation about prevention, detection, and bringing research to the forefront. Advancements in breast cancer research have contributed to higher survival rates and better quality of life for both patients and survivors.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States, and although rare, breast cancer can occur in men as well. Thanks to research, the mortality rate of breast cancer has decreased by 40% over the last three decades. We now know that early detection is extremely important in lowering the mortality rate and getting closer to prevention. Because there is no sure-fire way of preventing breast cancer, early detection is the next best thing. It correlates with more treatment options, increased survival rate, and the best chance for effective treatment. When breast cancer is localized and detected early, the 5-year survival rate is 99%.
According to the American Cancer Society (Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2019-2020 and Cancer Facts & Figures 2020)
Educate yourself on early detection and remind those around you of what you should be doing to care for yourself this October and every month! From focusing on a healthier lifestyle to learning about the signs and symptoms, there are a number of ways that you can look out for yourself and your loved ones.